Project Old is Gold: EXPLORE “The National Trust for Historic Preservation”

Step 2 of the Junior preservation badge guide is all about the…National Trust for Historic Preservation! Of course, I was pretty tickled about this one given where I work…

It asked me to state our mission, which is to “protect significant places representing our diverse cultural experience by taking direct action and inspiring broad public support.”

I then had to think about my own neighborhood and town and what buildings, sites, signs or markers are associated with a preservation organization. I drew pictures of some of the buildings and sites in my town of Bowie, Maryland: Hall Station/DuVall Hopkins Store, the Bowie Railroad Museum, and the Belair Mansion.

I have to admit that it was a lot of fun. Every neighborhood and town has places that are special to them and have organizations working hard to maintain them. What are the preservation organizations and special places in your town or city?

You can also follow along with Kate as we try to earn our badges!

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